The day after I died.
I fell in love with love.
If we are all to die,
then let us love each other.
The day after,
was a gift from God.
I fell in love with both my Mother and Father,
for they attempted to live a life of virtue.
I saw the love of my siblings and was moved to tears.
With new eyes,
I saw how God was always there in plain sight.
I tasted joy with a new understanding.
I played with my dreams as if they were real.
I pulled the weeds of hate and anger that strangled my heart.
I awoke to the joy; of a simple meal, a friendly conversation, a smile from a stranger, the kiss of the sun on my skin.
I awoke from the nightmare of a cold world that I had created in my mind.
The emptiness in my eyes was filled with the power that flows from the light.
I saw that I was loved by the face in the mirror.
The day after I died, I was reborn,
for when we call it a day, it is the death of whom we choose to be that day.
Tell the dead to awake to a new, mad,
crazy, loving world.
My Last Prayer
Everything good about me,
was because of you.
I won’t be there to celebrate your forthcoming triumphs.
I wish I could wipe away your future tears.
You are not alone;
God is always with you.
My life was magical and then
my dream stage ended and eternity began.
When the storms are great, know
God is always with you.
Speak the love of God without using words when you can.
Leave your worries before God.
You are precious to God.
Never dread that you’re detached from God.
What is unseen is eternal.
Though we live in the flesh,
we are surrounded by the spiritual.
A child of God is never alone.
Dance to the music only you can hear.
Now a million miles away, I still admire you.
So close and yet so far.
The sun will rise and memory will take the place of me.
The calm are bolder for they
can’t be broken for more than a bit.
Be so bold that your only broken for a bit
and then live life to the fullest.
God sees through our masks and smiles
even though we have strayed.
With God’s grace, we will not remain dead.
We truly smile when we are with God.
What is turbulent is only temporary.
When the day starts without me,
understand that an angel arrived.
Yesterday comes rushing back to me.
As I walk away from everything I truly loved,
a rip forms in my heart.
Memories will be the only thing left of me.
Now god smiles upon me and the past has been left behind.
I feel at home surrounded by a love that has always held my hand.
It’s all that I was promised and so, so much more.
So be as loving, trusting, faithful, and true as you can.
Although we do things, we know we shouldn’t.
We are always forgiven and held in god’s grasp.
Even though I have left before you did.
Know that I’m still near.
We are never alone and there is a strength in that.
We are all going to die and that alone should make us all
love one another, but it doesn’t.
God is appreciative of you for putting in your all.
Fierce struggles when concluded lead to
precious and enduring outcomes.
Juice life.
Weed the hell from your mind.
We are all on the way to die,
get your footing in the understanding that
you are more than sufficient.
Permit your heart to open,
you are not alone.
Pain will always come.
Faith in love will be a comfort.
Why save your resilience for the future?
Say yes to life.
Life is a storm, it’s a garden,
it’s the wide-open sky, it’s food for the soul.
Underneath it all,
we mostly do it to ourselves.
Let go of that which does not serve you.
When you feel jaded, try eating, drinking, dancing, and
be merry for your inner sake.
Express yourself entirely,
half of anything will bear no results worth having.
Half friends, half lovers, half anything is a weak existence.
Halfway will get you nowhere.
The other half is not the one you ought to love,
it should be You.
Be not absent in the now.
Half-life is no life at all.
Concentration on intentional living is
being in the moment with the intent to be
any or all of the following, joyous, loving,
listening, learning, connecting, thinking, watching,
relaxing, kindness, problem-solving, and
doing one’s best regardless of the outcome.
By serving others we serve ourselves.
We give little when we give of our possessions,
giving of yourself is giving something of value.
To give for recognition is a shallow gesture.
Giving now will fill your cup.
You deserve to be a giver,
and by doing so you become a witness for
the blessings in your life.
We are not what we seem.
You do not see my darkness or my wings.
We mask our madness, my friend.
We walk hand in hand and yet struggle as we should.
The opinion of yourself is more important than that of others,
don’t seek praise from people.
Strength comes from hardships.
Let petty concerns go.
Emotions launch the future.
Focus on doing right, say truths.
The time for action is now.
The best time to start something was in the past,
the second-best time is now.
We have many deaths.
The first death is the past.
The second is tonight when we end the day.
The third is when our bodies cease to be alive.
The fourth is when we are no longer seen.
The final death occurs when the last person
that knew us also passes.
Except that the rest of your life is short.
We all get thrown off balance,
keep your rhythm and flow.
Challenge to change yourself for your own good.
Choose your attitude.
Your existence is unique.
In our response lies our power.
Thoughts, words, action.
We stumble or rise, according to how we rationalize failures.
If life is an illusion, make it one that you are not afraid of.
Other people’s thoughts and actions are just that,
be not concerned controlling them.
It’s hard enough to control ourselves.
When people talk about your mistakes,
don’t champion oneself
Consider them ill-informed since they mentioned so few of them.
Negative thoughts lead to a negative life.
Plant seeds of confidence.
Your mind will enhance anything that your thoughts concentrate on.
Be relaxed and positive.
We are the sum of our thoughts;
we are guided by our minds.
We are the writers of our story.
Make your time an exploration.
Have the confidence to not take things directly.
Stop caring about others’ opinions.
We are all divine creatures.
So goodbye for now.
We are all temporary.
You were never a blemish, but a gift from above.
Let me go, for I have continued my journey
into the presence of God.
When you hug the ones you love, think of me
and I’ll be hugging you both.
Our connection will never be broken.